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Book chapters

1.  Rogers GF and Warren SM. Single suture craniosynostosis and deformational plagiocephaly. In Aston SJ, Beasley RW, Bartlett SP, Gurtner GC, Spear SL, Thorne CH (Eds.), Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia: Lippincott William & Wilkins (In Press, 2012).

2.  Marchac A, Larson JD, Warren SM. Current treatment of facial fractures. In Serletti J, Losee J, Wu L (Eds.), Current Reconstructive Surgery. New York: McGraw Hill (In Press, 2012).

3.  Warren SM and Pribaz JJ. Facial artery muculomucosal flap. In PN Blondeel, GG Hallock, S Morris, and PC Neligan (Eds.), Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique, & Clinical Applications. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc. (In Press, 2012).

4.  Szpalski C, Rogers GF, McRae M, Bumgardner JD, Warren SM. Biomaterials and their application in craniomaxillofacial surgery. In Ducheyne P, Healy K, Kirkpatrick J, Hutmacher D, Grainger D (Eds.), Biomaterials And Clinical Use, Volume 7. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Ltd 1: 325-341, 2011.

5.   Tepper OM and Warren SM. Craniofacial embryogenesis. In Weinzweig J (Ed.), Plastic Surgery Secrets. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus 2: 139-145, 2009.

6.   Obaid S, Warren SM, McCarthy JG. Mandibular distraction. In Weinzweig J (Ed.), Plastic Surgery Secrets. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus 2: 219-225, 2009.

7.   Warren SM, Obaid S, McCarthy JG. Principles of distraction. In Weinzweig J (Ed.), Plastic Surgery Secrets. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus 2: 212-218, 2009.

8.     Warren SM, Allori AC, and McCarthy JG. Autologous contouring of the lower face. In Aston SJ, Steinbrech DS, and Walden JL (Eds.), Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. London: Elsevier 1: 411-422, 2009.

9.     Dec W and Warren SM. Mentoplasty: unusual chin deformities. In Aston SJ, Steinbrech DS, and Walden JL (Eds.), Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. London: Elsevier 1: 423-436, 2009

10.    Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Spector JA, Greenwald JA, Kwan MD, Longaker MT. Distraction osteogenesis: the new frontier. In WH Bell and CA Guerreo (Eds.), Distraction Osteogenesis of the Facial Skeleton. Lewiston: BC Decker. 1: 591-597, 2008.

11.    Lancaster RT, Warren SM, Eriksson E. Blepharoplasty. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences 1: 386-393, 2007.

12.   Peled ZM, Warren SM, Yaremchuk MJ. Rhinoplasty. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences 1: 394-399, 2007.

13.   Warren SM and May JW Jr. Rhytidectomy. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences 1: 368-376, 2007.

14.   Warren SM and Pribaz JJ. Facial artery muculomucosal flap. In PN Blondeel, GG Hallock, S Morris, and PC Neligan (Eds.), Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique, & Clinical Applications. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc. 1: 181-198, 2005.

15.     Warren SM, Fang TD, Fong KD, Song HM, and Longaker MT. Optimizing bony repair. In SR Thaller and WS McDonald (Eds.), Facial Trauma. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1: 137-181, 2004.

16.    Fong KD, Song HM, Fang TD, Warren SM, Lorenz HP. Anatomy and physiology of the abdominal wall and pelvis. In GRD Evans (Ed.), Reconstructive Surgery of the Chest. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.1: 1-17, 2004.

17.   Chin G, Spector JA, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. Research in plastic surgery. In: WW Souba and DW Wilmore (Eds.), Surgical Research. San Diego: Academic Press 1: 1081-1094, 2001.

Journal publications

1.       Changhan W, Xinchen Y, Smith M, Kochhar K, Rubin M, Warren SM, Wrobel J, Honglak L. A unified framework for automatic wound segmentation and analysis with deep convolutional neural networks. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2415-2418, 2015.

2.    Rubin MS, Lowe KM, Clouston S, Shetye PR, Warren SM, Grayson BH. Basal view reference photographs for nasolabial appearance rating in unilateral cleft lip and palate.  J Craniofac Surg 26: 1548-1550, 2015.

3.    Szpalski C, Vandegrift M, Patel PA, Appelboom G, Fisher M, Marcus J, McCarthy JG, Shetye PR, Warren SM. Unilateral craniofacial microsomia: unrecognized cause of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. J Craniofac Surg 26: 1277-1282, 2015.

4.    Patel PA, Rubin MS, Clouston S, Lalezaradeh F, Brecht LE, Cutting CB, Shetye PR, Warren SM, Grayson BH. Comparative study of early secondary nasal revisions and costs in patients with clefts treated with and without nasoalveolar molding. J Craniofac Surg 26: 1229-1233, 2015.

5.     Wetterau MT, Spzalski C, Knobel D, Weinstein A, Ham M, Ezeamuzi O, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Acellular dermal matrix-based gene therapy augments graft incorporation. J Surg Research 195: 360-367, 2015

6.     Rubin MS, Clouston S, Ahmed MM, Lowe K, Shetye PR, Broder HL, Warren SM, Grayson BH. Assessment of presurgical clefts and predicted surgical outcomes in patients treated with and without nasoalveolar molding. J Craniofac Surg 26: 71-75, 2015.

7.      Layliev J, Marchac A, Tanaka R, Szapalski C, Henderson R, Rubin MS, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Endogenous cell therapy improves bone healing. J Craniofac Surg 25: 300-305, 2015.

8.    Allen RJ, Soares MA, Haberman ID, Szpalski C, Schachar J, Lin CD, Nguyen PD, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Combination therapy accelerates diabetic wound closure. PLoS One 9: e92667, 2014.

9.        Vyas RM, Warren SM. Unilateral cleft lip repair. Clin Plast Surg 41: 165-177, 2014.

10.      Allori AC, Davidson EH, Reformat DD, Sailon AM, Monroe J, Vaughn A, Wootton D, Clark E, Ricci JL, Warren SM. Design and validation of a dynamic cell-culture system for bone-biology research and exogenous tissue-engineering applications. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2013 Sep 11 [Epub ahead of print].

11.      Patel PA, Warren SM, McCarthy JG. Maxillary mucocele with proptosis and visual impairment: a late complication of Le Fort III distraction. J Craniofac Surg 24: 2000-2002, 2013.

12.     Davidson EH, Sultan SM, Butala P, Knobel D, Warren SM. Lacunocanalicular flow transduces the tension-stress effect of distraction osteogenesis. J Craniofac Surg 24: 1558-1564, 2013.

13.    Tanaka R, Vaynrub M, Masuda H, Ito R, Kobori M, Miyasaka M, Mizuno H, Warren SM, Asahara T. Quality control culture system restores diabetic endothelial progenitor cell vasculogenesis and accelerates wound closure. Diabetes 62: 3207-3217, 2013.

14.      Layliev J, Sagebin F, Weinstein A, Marchac A, Szpalski C, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Percutaneous gene therapy heals cranial defects. Gene Ther 20: 922-929, 2013

15.      Blumberg SN and Warren SM. Disparities in initial presentation of diabetic foot ulcers in a public, private and VA hospital. J Diabetes 2013 April 2 [Epub ahead of print].

16.    Valenzuela CD, Allori AC, Reformat DD, Sailon AM, Allen RJ, Davidson EH, Alikhani M, Bromage TG, Ricci JL, Warren SM. Adipose-derived stem cells in vascularized bone engineering: characterization of lineage-commission phenotypes and function analysis of co-culture. Tissue Eng, Part A 19:1373-1385, 2013.

17.   Szpalski C, Sagebin F, Barbaro M, Warren SM. The influence of environmental factors on bone tissue engineering. J   Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 101: 663-675, 2013.

18.      Szpalski C, Wetterau M, Barr J, Warren SM. Bone tissue engineering: current strategies and techniques part I- scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part B Rev 101: 663-675, 2013.

19.      Cutting CB and Warren SM. Extended Abbe flap for secondary correction of the bilateral cleft lip. J Craniofac Surg 24: 75-78, 2013.

20.   Dec W, Shetye PR, Grayson BH, Brecht LE, Cutting CB, Warren SM. Presurgical nasoalveolar molding and primary gingivoperiosteoplasty reduce the need for bone grafting in patients with bilateral clefts. J Craniofac Surg 24: 186-190, 2013.

21.   Greig AVH, Wagner IJ, Warren SM, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. Pfeiffer syndrome: analysis of a clinical series and development of a classification system. Plast Reconstr Surg 24: 204-215, 2013.

22.   Dec W, Shetye PR, Grayson BH, Brecht LE, Cutting CB, Warren SM. Incidence of oronasal fistula formation after nasoalveolar molding and primary cleft repair: a 19-year retrospective analysis. J Craniofac Surg 24: 57-61, 2013.

23.      Dec W, Olivera O, Cutting CB, Grayson BH, Warren SM. Cleft midface is both hypoplastic and displaced. J Craniofac Surg 24: 89-93, 2013.

24.      Layliev J, Wilson S, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Wound healing with topical gene therapy. Adv Wound Care. 1: 218-223, 2012 .

25.      Wagner IJ, Szpalski, C, Allen RJ, Davidson EH, Canizares O, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Obesity impairs wound closure via a vasculogenic mechanism. Wound Repair Regen 20: 512-522, 2012.

26.     Szpalski C, Barbaro M, Sagebin F, Warren SM. Bone tissue engineering: current strategies and techniques- part II: cell types. Tissue Eng Part B 18: 258-269, 2012.

27.    Butala P, Hazen A, Szpalski C, Sultan SM, Coleman SR, Warren SM. Endogenous stem cell therapy enhances fat graft survival. Plast Reconstr Surg 130: 293-230, 2012.

28.      Butala P, Knobel K, Crawford JL, Szpalski S, Sultan SM, Davidson EH, Marchac A, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Zmpste 24-/- mouse as a novel model of senescent wound healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 130: 788e-798e, 2012.

29.      Greives MR, Samra F, Pavlides SC, Blechman, KM, Naylor SM, Woodrell CD, Cadacio C, Levine JP, Michalak M, Warren SM, Gold LI. Exogenous calreticulin improves diabetic wound healing. Wound Repair Regen 20: 715-30, 2012.

30.      Jacobs J, Warren SM. Review of "force-induced craniosynostosis in the murine sagittal suture." J Craniofac Surg 23: 1220-1221, 2012.

31.      Weichman KE, Warren SM. Effects of lidocaine plus epinephrine and prilocaine on autologous fat graft survival. J Craniofac Surg 23: 1019, 2012.

32.      Szpalski C, Nguyen PD, Cretiu Vasiliu CE, Chesnoiu-Matei I, Ricci JL, Clark E, Smay JE, Warren SM. Bony engineering using time releaseporous scaffolds to provide sustained growth factor delivery. J Craniofac Surg 23: 638-644, 2012.

33.      Vargervik K, Rubin MS, Grayson BH, Figueroa AA, Kreiborg S, Shirley JC, Simmons KE, Warren SM. Parameters of care for craniosynostosis: dental and orthodontic perspectives. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 14: S68-73, 2012.

34.      Warren SM, Proctor MR, Bartlett SP, Blount JP, Buchman SR, Burnett W, Fearon JA, Keating R, Muraszko KM, Rogers GF, Rubin MS, McCarthy JG. Parameters of care for craniosynostosis: craniofacial and neurologic surgery perspectives. Plast Reconstr Surg 129: 731-737, 2012. 

35.      Warren SM, Longaker MT. Craniofacial surgery: innovation, design, and strategy. J Craniofac Surg 23: 7, 2012.

36.    Sultan SM, Barr JS, Butala P, Davidson EH, Weinstein AL, Knobel D, Saadeh PB, Warren SM, Coleman SR, Hazen A. Fat grafting accelerates revascularization and decreases fibrosis following thermal injury. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 65:219-227, 2012.

37.      McCarthy JG, Warren SM, Bernstein JM, Burnett W, Cunningham ML, Edmond JC, Figueroa AA, Kapp-Simon KA, Labow B, Peterson-Falzone S, Proctor M, Rubin M, Sze RW, Yemen T. Parameters of care for craniosynostosis. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 49: 1S-24S, 2012.

38.     Chang CC, Allori AC, Wang E, Fariña R, Warren SM, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. A quantitative 3D analysis of coronoid hypertrophy in pediatric craniofacial malformations. Plast Reconstr Surg 129: 312e-318e, 2012.

39.      Wetterau M, Szpalski C, Hazen A, Warren SM. Autologous fat grafting and facial reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg 23: 315-318, 2012. 

40.    Warren SM, Shetye PR Obaid SI, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. Long-term midface position after LeFort III advancement.   Plast Reconstr Surg 129: 234-242, 2012.

41.      Blumberg SN, Berger A, Hwang L, Pastar I, Warren SM, Chen W. The role of stem cells in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 96: 1-9, 2012.

42.      Davidson EH, Reformat DD, Allori A, Canizares O, Wagner IJ, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Flow perfusion maintains ex vivo bone viability: A novel model for bone biology research. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 128: 406-414, 2011.

43.     Szpalski C, Weichman K, Sagebin F, Warren SM. Need for standard outcome reporting systems in craniosynostosis. Neurosurg Focus 31: 1-11, 2011.

44.    Davidson EH, Sultan S, Butala P, Tutela JP, Canizares O, Wagner IJ, Knobel D, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Augmenting neovascularization accelerates distraction osteogenesis Plast Reconstr Surg 128: 406-414, 2011.

45.    Wang XX, Robert J. Allen RJ, John P. Tutela JP, Sailon A, Allori AC, Davidson EH, Paek, GK, Saadeh PB, McCarthy JG, Warren SM. Progenitor cell mobilization enhances bony healing via improved neovascularization and osteogenesis Plast Reconstr Surg 128: 395-405, 2011.

46.     Weinstein AL, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Social networking services: implications for the next generation of physicians. Surgery 150: 15-16, 2011.

47.      Wetterau M, George F, Weinstein A, Nguyen PD, Tutela JP, Knobel D, Cohen BA O, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Topical prolyl hydroxylase domain-2 silencing improves diabetic murine wound closure. Wound Repair Regen 19: 481-486, 2011. 

48.      Warren SM and Habal MB. James May honored at the Mass General Hospital. J Craniofac Surg 21: 1665, 2011.

49.      Saffari Y, Blei F, Warren SM, Mila S, Greco MA. Congenital minor salivary gland sialoblastoma: a case report and review of the literature. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 30: 32-39, 2011.

50.  Raposo-Amaral CE and Warren SM. Highlights, 11th international congress on cleft palate and related craniofacial    anomalies. J Craniofac Surg 22: 781, 2011.

51.      Marchac AC and Warren SM. Correction of alveolar cleft with calcium-based bone substitutes. J Craniofac Surg 22: 858-9, 2011.

52.      Sultan SM, Davidson EH, Butala P, Schachar JS, Witek L, Ricci JL, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Interval cranioplasty: comparison of current standards. Plast Reconstr Surg 27:1855-64, 2011.

53.      Sultan SM, Stern CS, Allen RJ, Thanik VD, Chang CC, Canizares O, Szpalski C, Saadeh PB, Warren SM, Coleman SR, Hazen A. Human fat grafting alleviates radiation skin damage in a murine model. Plast Reconstr Surg 128: 363-372, 2011.

54.      Thanik VD, Chang CC, Zoumalan RA, Lerman OZ, Allen RJ Jr, Nguyen PD, Warren SM, Coleman SR, Hazen A.  A novel mouse model of cutaneous radiation injury. Plast Reconstr Surg 127: 560-568. 2011.

55.      Dec W and Warren SM. Current concepts in deformational plagiocephaly. J Craniofac Surg 22: 6-8, 2011.

56.      Davidson EH, Brown D, Shetye PR, Greig A, Grayson BH, Warren SM, McCarthy JG. The evolution of mandible distraction device selection. Plast Reconstr Surg 126: 2061-2070, 2010.

57.      Nguyen PD, Tutela JP, Thanik VD, Knobel D, Allen RJ, Chang CC, Levine JP, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Improved diabetic wound healing through topical silencing of p53 is associated with augmented vasculogenic mediators. Wound Repair Regen 10: 1524-1537, 2010.

58.      Bradley JP, Warren SM, Longaker MT. Highlights of the proceedings from the 13th international congress of international society of craniofacial surgery. J Craniofac Surg 21: 944-966, 2010.

59.      Lee JQ, Zoumalan RA, Valenzuela CD, Nguyen PD, Tutela JP, Roman BR, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Regulators and mediators of radiation-induced fibrosis: gene expression profiles and a rationale for Smad3 inhibition. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 43: 525-530, 2010.

60.    Lee JW, Tutela JP, Zoumalan RA, Thanik VD, Nguyen PD, Varjabedian L, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Inhibition of Smad3 expression in radiation-induced fibrosis using a novel method for topical transcutaneous gene therapy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 36: 714-719, 2010.

61.     Allori AC, Chang CC, Farina R, Grayson BH, Warren SM, McCarthy JG. Current concepts in pediatric TMJ disorders: etiology,    epidemiology, classification, and treatment modalities. Plast Reconstr Surg 126: 1263-1276, 2010.

62.      Tepper OM, Carr J, Chang CC, Lin CD, Gupta S, Dec D, Tanaka R, Saadeh PB, Levine JP, Warren SM. Diminished circulating progenitor cell number in diabetes is due to failed mechanisms of SDF-1a mediated mobilization. Diabetes 59: 1974-1983, 2010.

63.    Lee JW, Tutela JP, Zoumalan RA, Thanik VD, Nguyen PD, Varjabedian L, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Inhibition of Smad3 expression in radiation-induced fibrosis using a novel method for topical transcutaneous gene therapy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 36: 714-719, 2010.

64.    Thanik VD, Chang CC, Lerman OZ, Greives MR, Le H, Warren SM, Schneider RJ, Formenti SC, Saadeh PB, Levine JP. Cutaneous low-dose radiation increases tissue vascularity through upregulation of angiogenic and vasculogenic pathways. J Vasc Res 47:472-480, 2010.

65.      Warren SM and Zide BM. Reconstruction of temporal and suprabrow defects. Ann Plast Surg 64:298-301, 2010.

66.      King TW, Lerman OZ, Carter JJ, Warren SM. Exertional compartment syndrome of the thigh: A rare diagnosis and literature review. J Emerg Med 39: e93-9, 2010.

67.      Sailon AM, Allori AC, Davidson EH, Reformat DD, Allen RJ, Warren SM. Dynamic cell culture in a flow-perfusion bioreactor prevents core necrosis in thick 3D scaffolds. J Biomed Biotechnol 1: 1-7, 2009.

68.      Nguyen PD, Lin CD, Allori AC, Schachar J, Ricci JL, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Scaffold-based BMP-2 therapy in a rat alveolar defect model: implications for human gingivoperiosteoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 24: 1829-1839, 2009.

69.   Chang CC, Lerman OZ, Thanik VD, Scharf CL, Grieves MR, Saadeh PB, Warren SM, Levine JP. Radiation regulates angiogenic and angiostatic CXC chemokine expression in human endothelial cells. Cytokine 48: 295-302, 2009.

70.   Levine S, Garfein ES, Weiner H, Yaremchuk MJ, Saadeh PB, Gurtner GC, Levine JP, and Warren SM. Intracranial microvascular free flaps. J Reconstr Micro Surg 25: 89-95, 2009.

71.      Thanik VD, Chang CC, Lerman OZ, Allen RJ Jr, Nguyen PD, Saadeh PB, Warren SM, Levine JP, Coleman SR, Hazen A. A murine model for studying diffusely injected human fat. Plast Reconstr Surg 124: 74-81, 2009.

72.    Barrilas I, Dec W, Warren SM, Cutting CB, Grayson BH. Court B. Cutting, MD; Barry H. Grayson. Nasoalveolar molding improves long-term nasal symmetry in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 123: 1002-1006, 2009.

73.      Nguyen PD, Lin CD, Allori AC, Ricci JL, Saadeh PB, Warren SM. Establishment of a critical-sized alveolar defect in a rat: a model for human gingivoperiosteo-plasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 123: 817-825, 2009.

74.      Shetye PR, Warren SM, Brown D, Garfinkle JS, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. Documentation of the incidents associated with mandibular distraction: introduction of a new stratification system. Plast Reconstr Surg 122: 627-634, 2008.

75.      Huang L, Kleinerman R, Lerman O, Brown D, Galiano R, Gurtner G,  Warren SM, Levine J, Saadeh PB. Hedgehog signaling is essential for normal wound healing. Wound Repair Regen 16: 768-773, 2008

76.    Lin CD, Tepper OM, Chang CC, Tanaka R, Saadeh PB, Levine JP, Warren SM. Topical application of bone marrow  progenitor cells accelerates diabetic wound healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 122: 1341-1352, 2008.

77.      Lee CTH, Garfinkle JS, Warren SM, Brecht LE, Cutting CB, Grayson BH. Nasoalveolar molding improves appearance of children with bilateral cleft lip/palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 122: 1131-1137, 2008.

78.      Vendittelli BL, Dec W, Warren SM, Garfinkle JS, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. Predicting the response to bilateral mandibular distraction. Plast Reconstr Surg 122: 1144-1153, 2008.

79.      Allen RJ, Chen CM, Warren SM. Free pectoral skin flap in the rat based on the long thoracic vessels: a new flap model for experimental study and microsurgical training. Ann Plast Surg 61: 479-480, 2008.

80.      Allori AC, Sailon AM, Warren SM. Biochemical basis of bone formation, remodeling, and repair: Part II: Extracellular Matrix. Tissue Eng 14: 275-283, 2008

81.      Allen RJ Jr, Chen CM, Warren SM. Free pectoral skin flap in the rat based on the long thoracic vessels: a new flap model for experiment study and microsurgical training Ann Plast Surg 61: 479-480, 2008.

82.  Allori AC, Sailon AM, Warren SM. Biochemical basis of bone formation, remodeling, and repair: Part I: Biochemical    signaling molecules. Tissue Eng 14: 259-273, 2008.

83.      Gonzalez O, Fong KD, Trindade MCD, Warren SM, Longaker MT, Smith RL. Fluid shear stress magnitude, duration, and total applied load regulate gene expression and nitric oxide production in primary calvarial osteoblast cultures. Plast Reconstr Surg 122: 419-428, 2008.

84.      Allori AC, Sailon AM, McCarthy JG, Pan JH, Warren SM. Biochemical basis of bone formation, remodeling, and repair: Part III: Biomechanical forces. Tissue Eng 14: 285-293, 2008.

85.      Tanaka R, Wada M, Kwon S, Masuda H, Ito R, Kobori M, Warren SM, Asahara T, Tepper OM. The effects of flap ischemia on endothelial progenitor cell number and vasculogenic potential under normal and diabetic conditions. Plast Reconstr Surg 121: 1929-1942, 2008.

86.      Saadeh PB, Chang CC, Warren SM, Reavey P, Siebert JW. Microsurgical correction of craniofacial malformations: a fifteen year experience. Plast Reconstr Surg 121: 368-378, 2008.

87.      Dec W, Warren SM, Garfinkle JS, Grayson BH, McCarthy JG. The importance of preoperative vector planning in unilateral mandibular distraction. Plast Reconstr Surg 121: 2084-2092, 2008.

88.      Allen RJ, Lin CD, Nguyen PD, Garfein ES, Warren SM. AMD3100 leads to improved diabetic wound healing. Wound Repair Regen 16: A56, 2008.

89.    Chang CC, Thanik VD, Branson BR, Gupta SM, Levine JP, Warren SM, Saadeh PB.RNA interference of p53 improves diabetic wound healing. Wound Repair Regen 16: A48, 2008.

90.      Lin CD, Macklin JE, Lerman OZ, Tepper OT, Saadeh PB, Levine JP, Warren SM. Topical therapy for diabetic wounds using lineage-negtive progenitor cells. Wound Repair Regen 16: A23, 2008.

91.      Nguyen PD, Lerman OZ, Chang CC, Thanik VD, Warren SM, Saadeh PB, Levine JP. High dose radiation impairs hypoxia responsiveness and vascular recovery in vitro and in vivo. Wound Repair Regen 16: A19, 2008.

92.   Allori AC, Sailon AM, Lin CD, Clark E, Ricci JL, Cretiu-Vasiliu C, Smay JE, Warren SM. Flow perfusion improves   mineralization and maintains uniform cellular distribution in thick 3D scaffolds. Bone 42: S18, 2008.

93.      Nguyen PD, Lin CD, Allori AC, Reisler T, Saadeh PB, Levine JP, Warren SM. Interventions for alveolar bone regeneration in a gingivoperiosteoplasty model. Bone 42: S81, 2008.

94.      Greene AK, Warren SM, McCarthy JG. Onlay cranioplasty using wire reinforced methyl methacrylate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 36: 138-142, 2008.

95.      Schneider LF and Warren SM. Re: The relationship between keloid growth pattern and stretching tension − visual analysis using the finite element method. Ann Plast Surg 60: 452-454, 2008.

96.      Warren SM, Walder B, Dec W, Longaker MT, Ting K. Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis of collagen scaffolding patterns in patent and fusing rat cranial sutures. J Craniofac Surg 19: 198-203, 2008.

97.    Raposo-Amaral CE, de Campos Guidi M, Warren SM, Almeida AN, Amstalden EMI, Tiziane V, Raposo-Amaral CM. Gluteoplasty outcomes: a comparison of 3 methods of measurement of gluteal projection. Aesthetic Plast Surg 32: 333-338, 2008.

98.      Chang CC, Thanik VD, Lerman OZ, Saadeh PB, Warren SM, Coleman SR, Hazen A. Treatment of radiation skin damage with Coleman fat grafting. Stem Cells 25; 3280, 2007.

99.      Bhatt, KA, Chang EI, Warren SM; Lin S, Bastidas N, Ghali S, Thibboneir A, Capla J, McCarthy JG, Gurtner GC. Uniaxial mechanical strain: an in vitro correlate to distraction osteogenesis. J Surg Res 143: 329-336, 2007.

100.   Warren SM, Spector JA, and Zide BM. Chin Surgery VII: the textured secured chin implant - a recipe for success. Plast Reconstr Surg 120: 1378-1385, 2007.

101.   Spetor JA, Warren SM, and Zide BM. Chin Surgery VI: treatment of an unusual deformity - the tethered microgenic chin. Plast Reconstr Surg 120: 1053-1059, 2007.

102.     Warren SM, Spector JA, and Zide BM. Chin Surgery V: treatment of the long, non-projecting chin. Plast Reconstr Surg 120: 760-768, 2007.

103.   Zide BM, Warren SM, and Spector JA. Chin Surgery IV: the large chin—key parameters for successful chin reduction. Plast Reconstr Surg 120: 530-537, 2007.

104.   Thanik V, Lerman OZ, Grieves M, Levine JP, Warren SM, Saadeh PB. Topical matrix-based siRNA effectively silences gene expression in murine wound model. Gene Therapy 14: 1305-1308, 2007.

105.   Spector JA, Warren SM, Singh SP, McCarthy JG, Siebert JW. Marriage of hard and soft tissues of the face revisited: when distraction meets microsurgery. Ann Plast Surg 59: 1-5, 2007.

106.   Raposo-Amaral CE, de Campos Guidi M, Warren SM, Almeida AN, Amstalden EMI, Tiziane V, Raposo-Amaral CM. Two-stage surgical treatment of severe cherubism. Ann Plast Surg 58: 645-651, 2007.

107.    Warren SM, Borud LJ, Brecht LE, Longaker MT, Siebert JW. Microvascular reconstruction of the pediatric mandible. Plast Reconstr Surg 119: 649-661, 2007.

108.   Schmidek AK, Warren SM, Tantillo MB, Morris DJ. Salvage treatment of an irradiated, infected lumbar wound. Ann Plast Surg 55: 531-534, 2005.

109.   Spector JA, Mathy JA, Warren SM, Nacamuli RP, Song HM, Lentin, K, Fong KD, Fang TD, and Longaker MT. FGF-2 acts through an Erk1/2 intracellular pathway to affect osteoblast differentiation. Plast Reconstr Surg 115: 838-852, 2005.

110.   Law CS, Warren SM, Mehrara BJ, and Ting K. A novel approach to cranial suture gene expression profiling. J Craniofac Surg 16: 378-388, 2005.

111.   Breuing KH and Warren SM. Immediate single-stage breast reconstruction with implants and AlloDerm slings. Ann Plast Surg 55: 232-239, 2005.

112.   Warren SM and May JW Jr. Lipodystrophy induced by antiretroviral therapy.       N Engl J Med 352: 63, 2005.

113.  Loboa EG, Fang TD, Parker DW, Warren SM, Fong KD, Longaker MT, and Carter DR. Mechanobiology of mandibular distraction osteogenesis: finite element analyses with a rat model. J Orthop Res 23: 663-70, 2005.

114.   Loboa EG, Fang TD, Warren SM, Lindsey DP, Fong KD, Longaker MT, Carter DR. Mechanobiology of mandibular distraction osteogenesis—experimental analysis with a rat model. Bone 34: 336-343, 2004.

115.   Fang TD, Nacamuli RP, Song HM, Fong KD, Warren SM, Salim A, Carano RAD, Filvaroff EH, and Longaker MT. Creation and characterization of a mouse model of mandible distraction osteogenesis. Bone 34: 1004-1012, 2004.

116.   Song HM, Sahar DE, Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Fang TD, Mathy JA, Alami OO, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. In vitro murine posterior frontal suture fate is age-dependent: implications for cranial suture biology. Plast Reconstr Surg 113: 1192-1204, 2004.

117.   Mathy JA and Warren SM, Sister Mary Joseph and mister Hartdegin’s cross. Pharos Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Med Soc 67: 34-36, 2004.

118.   Chen CM, Warren SM, and Isik FF. Innovations to the vertical reduction mammaplasty: making the transition. Ann Plast Surg 50: 579-587, 2004.

119.   Song HM, Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Warren SM, Fang TD, Mathy JA, Cowan CM, Aalami OO, and Longaker MT. Mechanism of murine cranial suture patency mediated by a dominant negative transforming growth factor-b receptor adenovirus. Plast Reconstr Surg 113: 1685-1697, 2004.

120.   Warren SM, Nacamuli RP, Song HM, and Longaker MT. Re: Tissue-engineered bone using mesenchymal stem cells and a biodegradable scaffold. J Craniofac Surg 15: 34-37, 2004.

121.   Chen CM, White C, Warren SM, Cole J, and Isik FF. Mastering the vertical reduction mammaplasty: a simple, aesthetically reliable technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 113: 162-172, 2004.

122.   Fong KD, Song HM, Nacamuli RP, Franc BL, Mari C, Fang TD, Warren SM, Contag CH, Blankenberg FG, and Longaker MT. Apoptosis in a rodent model of cranial suture fusion: in situ imaging and gene expression analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 113: 2307-23047, 2004.

123.   Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Song HM, Warren SM, Cowan CM, Lorenz HP, and Longaker MT. New strategies for craniofacial repair and replacement: a brief review. J Craniofac Surg 14: 333-339, 2003.

124.   Nacamuli RP, Fong KD, Warren SM, Fang TD, Song HM, Helms JA, and Longaker MT. Markers of osteoblast differentiation in fusing and non-fusing cranial sutures. Plast Reconstr Surg 112: 1328-1325, 2003.

125.   Warren SM, Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Song HM, Fang, TD, and Longaker MT. Biomaterials in plastic surgery. Op Tech Plast Reconstr Surg 9: 10-15, 2003.

126.   Warren SM, Brunet LJ, Harland RM, Economides AN, and Longaker MT. The BMP antagonist Noggin regulates cranial suture fusion. Nature 422: 625-629, 2003.

127.   Cowan CM, Quarto N, Warren SM, Salim A, and Longaker MT. Age-related changes in the biomolecular mechanisms of calvarial osteoblast biology affect fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling and osteogenesis. J Biol Chem 278: 32005-32013, 2003.

128.   Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Loboa EG, Henderson JH, Fang TD, Song HM, Cowan, CM, Warren SM, Carter DR, and Longaker MT. Equibiaxial strain affects calvarial osteoblast biology. J Craniofac Surg 14: 348-355, 2003.

129.   Fong KD, Warren SM, Loboa EG, Fang TD, Carter DR, and Longaker MT. Mechanical strain affects dura mater biology: implications for immature calvarial healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 112: 1312-1327, 2003.

130.   Warren SM, Fong KD, Chen CM, Loboa EG, Cowan CM, Lorenz HP, and Longaker MT. Tools and techniques for craniofacial tissue engineering. Tissue Eng 9: 187-200, 2003.

131.   Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Nacamuli RP, Fong KD, Song HM, Fang TD, Mathy JA, and Longaker MT. Regional dura mater differentially regulates osteoblast gene expression. J Craniofac Surg 14: 363-370, 2003.

132.    Peled Z, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, and Longaker MT. Methods to investigate fetal tissue repair. Methods Mol Med 78: 149-159, 2003.

133.  Warren SM, Sylvester K, Chen CM, Hedrick MH, and Longaker MT. New directions in bioabsorbable technology. Orthopedics 25 (10 Suppl): 1201-1210, 2002.

134.   Song HM, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. Re: Bioabsorbable ciprofloxacin-containing and plain self-reinforced polylactide-polyglycolide 80/20 screws: pullout strength properties in human cadaver parietal bones. J Craniofac Surg 13: 544-546, 2002.

135.   Spector JA, Greenwald JA, Warren SM, Mehrara BJ, Fagenholz PJ, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, Mehrara BJ, and Longaker MT. Co-culture of osteoblasts with immature dural cells causes an increased rate and degree of osteoblast differentiation Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 631-642, 2002.

136.   Kuang AA, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. Re: Immediate cranial vault reconstruction with bioresorbable plates following endoscopically assisted sagittal synostectomy. J Craniofac Surg 13: 583-584, 2002.

137.   Warren SM, Hedrick MH, Sylvester K, Longaker MT, and Chen CM. New directions in bioabsorbable technology. J Neurosurg 97 (4 Suppl): 481-489, 2002.

138.  Nacamuli RP, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. Re: Clinical applications of injectable calcium sulfate on early bony consolidation in distraction osteogenesis for the treatment of craniofacial microsomia. J Craniofac Surg 13: 475-477, 2002.

139.    Warren SM, Lorenz HP, and Longaker MT. Re: A novel osteosynthesis plate design for routine corrective facial surgery. J Craniofac Surg 13: 595-596, 2002.

140.    Warren SM and Longaker MT. Re: Sequence analysis of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in Japanese patients with craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg 13: 597-599, 2002

141.  Warren SM and Longaker MT. Re: Bone and suture regeneration in calvarial defects by e-PTFE-membranes and demineralized bone matrix and the impact on calvarial growth. An experimental study in the rat. J Craniofac Surg 13: 462-465, 2002.

142.   Erfani, S, Maldonado TS, Crisera CA, Warren SM¸ Peled ZM, and Longaker MT. Rescue of an in vitro palate non-fusion model using interposed embryonic mesenchyme. Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 2363-2372, 2002.

143.   Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Paccione MF, Spector JA, McCarthy JG, and Longaker MT. Transport distraction osteogenesis: A new method to heal calvarial defects. Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 1074-1084, 2002.

144.   Song HM, Fang TD, Warren SM, Nacamuli RP, and Longaker MT. Re: A new regenerative approach to oromandibular reconstruction after the resection of head and neck malignant tumor.  J Craniofac Surg 13: 347-349, 2002.

145.   Mathy JA, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. Re: Holding power of bioabsorbable ciprofloxacin-containing self-reinforced poly-l/dl-lactide 70/30 bioactive glass 13 miniscrews in human cadaveric bone. J Craniofac Surg 13: 219-222, 2002.

146.   Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Spector JA, Peled ZM, Crisera FE, Greenwald JA, and Longaker MT. Hypoxia and VEGF upregulate BMP-2 expression in microvascular endothelial cells: implications for fracture healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 2384-2397, 2002.

147.   Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, and Longaker MT. The molecular biology of distraction osteogenesis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 20: 1-11, 2002.

148. Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Spector JA, Steinbrech DS, Mehrara BJ, and Longaker MT. Factors in the fracture microenvironment induce primary osteoblast angiogenic cytokine production. Plast Reconstr Surg 110: 139-148, 2002.

149.   Spector JA, Greenwald JA, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Detch RC, Fagenholz PJ, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Dura mater biology: Autocrine and paracrine effects of fibroblast growth factor-2. Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 645-654, 2002.

150.   Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Paccione MF, Spector JA, Peled ZM, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Endogenously engineered cranioplasty. Plast Surg Forum 24: 1-4, 2001.

151.   Warren SM and Longaker MT. Re: Regeneration of the sagittal suture by GTR and its impact on growth of the cranial vault. J Craniofac Surg 12: 197-199, 2001.

152.   Greenwald JA, Warren SM, Spector JA, Crisera FE, Bouletreau PJ, Peled ZM, and Longaker MT. Co-culture system supports osteoinductive role of suture-derived dural cells. Surg Forum 52: 471-472, 2001.

153.   Warren SM, Mehrara BJ, Steinbrech DS, Paccione MF, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, and Longaker MT. Rat mandibular distraction osteogenesis: part III. Gradual distraction vs. acute lengthening. Plast Reconstr Surg 102: 441-453, 2001.

154.   Erfani S, Crisera CA, Maldonado TS, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Peled ZM, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Rescue of an in vitro “cleft” palate model using interposed embryonic mesenchyme. Surg Forum 52: 396-397, 2001. 

155.   Warren SM, Economides AN, Bouletreau PJ, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Noggin expression maintains cranial suture patency. Plast Surg Forum 24: 5-8, 2001.

156.   Warren SM, Economides AN, Bouletreau PJ, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Noggin expression maintains cranial suture patency. Surg Forum 52: 582-583, 2001.

157.     Warren SM and Longaker MT. Directions in plastic surgery research, molecular biology. Clin Plast Surg 28: 719-730, 2001.

158. Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Steinbrech DS, Peled Z, Crisera FE, Greenwald JA, and Longaker MT. The fracture microenvironment regulates osteoblast angiogenic gene expression. Surg Forum 52: 426-428, 2001.

159.   Warren SM and Longaker MT. Advances in murine cranial suture research. Internet Plast Surg J 1: 1-10, 2001.

160.   Spector JA, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Detch RC, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Fibroblast growth factor-2 promotes osteogenesis by inducing bone morphogenetic protein-2 expression. Surg Forum 52: 432-434, 2001.

161.   Warren SM and Longaker MT. The pathogenesis of craniosynostosis in the fetus. Yonsei Med J 42: 646-659, 2001.

162.   Peled ZM, Cowan CM, Lim IJ, Phan TT, Cowan CM, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, Erfani S, Chang J, and Longaker MT. Enhances TGF-b1 and SMAD 7 gene expression characterize keloid human keratinocytes: implications for keloid pathogenesis. Surg Forum 52: 463-466, 2001.

163.   Warren SM, Longaker MT, and Zide BM. The subunit approach to nasal tip hemangiomas. Plast Reconstr Surg 109: 25-30, 2001.

164.  Crisera FE, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Peled ZM, and Longaker MT. Constant equibiaxial mechanical strain affects osteoblast gene expression. Surg Forum 52: 428-430, 2001.

165.     Erfani S, Maldonado TS, Crisera CA, Warren SM, Lee S, and Longaker MT. An in vitro mouse model of cleft palate: defining a critical inter-shelf distance necessary for palatal clefting. Plast Reconstr Surg 108: 403-410, 2001.

166.  Cowan CM, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Peled ZM, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Immature vs. mature osteoblasts: implications for post-craniotomy re-ossification. Surg Forum 52: 413-414, 2001.

167.   Fagenholz PJ, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Mehrara BJ, Bouletreau PJ, and Longaker MT: Osteoblast gene expression is differentially regulated by TGF-b isoforms. J Craniofac Surg 12: 183-190, 2001.

168.   Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, Warren SM, Smith LP, Fagenholz PJ, Chin GS, Crisera FE, Ueno H, and Longaker MT. In vivo modulation of FGF-biologic activity alters cranial suture fate. Am J Path 158: 441-452, 2001.

169.   Paccione MF, Warren SM, Spector JA, Greenwald JA, and Longaker MT. A mouse model of mandibular osteotomy healing. J Craniofac Surg 12: 444-450, 2001.

170.   Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Mehrara BJ, Bouletreau PJ, and Longaker MT. New developments in cranial suture research. Plast Reconstr Surg 102: 523-539, 2001.

171.    Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, Warren SM, Crisera FE, Fagenholz PJ, and Longaker MT. Regional differentiation of cranial suture-associated dura mater in vivo and in vitro: implications for suture fusion and patency. J Bone Miner Res 15: 2413-2430, 2001.

172.    Warren SM, Steinbrech DS, Mehrara BJ, Saadeh PB, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, and Longaker MT. Hypoxia regulates gene expression in osteoblasts J Surg Res 99: 147-155, 2001.

173.   Paccione MF, Mehrara BJ, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Luchs JS, and Longaker MT. Rat mandibular distraction osteogenesis: latency, rate and rhythm determine the adaptive response J Craniofac Surg 12: 175-182, 2001.

174.   Warren SM, Mehrara, BJ, Steinbrech DS, Paccione MF, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, and Longaker MT. Rat mandibular distraction osteogenesis: Gradual distraction vs. acute lengthening. Plast Surg Forum 23: 234-237, 2000.

175.   Spector JA, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Detch RC, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Fibroblast growth factor-2 down-regulates expression of the homeobox gene Msx2 in osteoblasts. Plast Surg Forum 23: 84-87, 2000.

176.  Fagenholz PJ, Spector JA, Mehrara BJ, Greenwald JA, Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Paccione MF, and Longaker MT. Osteoblast/dural cell co-culture: a novel system with implications for osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. Surg Forum 51: 436-438, 2000.

177.     Mehrara BJ, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Warren SM, Crisera FE, Fagenholz PJ, Paccione MF, Bouletreau PJ, and Longaker MT. Regional differentiation of dura mater determines fate of cranial sutures. Surg Forum 51: 438-440, 2000.

178.    Warren SM and Longaker MT. Re: Smoking impairs wound healing by reducing collagen deposition. Plast Surg Outlook 14: 1-2, 2000.

179.   Bouletreau PJ, Spector JA, Warren SM, Greenwald JS, Paccione MF, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. Hypoxia upregulates endothelial cell but not osteoblast BMP-2 gene expression: implications for fracture healing. Surg Forum 51: 438-440, 2000.

180.   Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, Smith LP, Ueno H, Warren SM, Fagenholz PJ, Bouletreau PJ, and Longaker MT. Gene therapy of cranial sutures with a truncated dominant/negative receptor in vitro and in vivo. Plast Surg Forum 23: 219-221, 2000.

181.   Bouletreau PJ, Steinbrech DS, Spector JA, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Detch RC, and Longaker MT. Gene expression of transforming growth factor-b3 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 during membranous bone healing in rats. J Craniofac Surg 11: 521-526, 2000.

182.   Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, Ueno H, Smith LP, Fagenholz PJ, Chin GS, Warren SM, Crisera FE, and Longaker MT. In vivo modulation of FGF-signaling alters cranial suture fate. Surg Forum 51: 559-560, 2000.

183.   Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Crisera FE, Mehrara BJ, and Longaker MT. Current concepts in cranial suture research. Braz J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2: 7-16, 1999.

184.   Chamberlain RS, Carroll MW, Bronte V, Hwu P, Warren SM, Yang JC, Nishimura M, Moss B, Rosenberg SA, and Restifo NP. Costimulation enhances the active immunotherapy effect of recombinant anticancer vaccines. Cancer Res 6: 2832-2836, 1996.

185.   Chamberlain RS, Carroll MW, Bronte V, Spiess P, Hwu P, Warren SM, Moss B, Rosenberg SA, and Restifo NP. Immunization with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding the costimulatory molecules B7-1 and/or B7-2 and a model tumor antigen mediates tumor regression and prolongs survival. Surg Forum 46: 483-485, 1995.